-Remember Memorial Day isn’t just a three day weekend.  Take time today to honor those who gave all in defense of our great Nation.

Friendly Reminder!!

CrossFit WatchTower is closed today.  We will be venturing out on a mission of Community and joining Method CrossFit in their Memorial Day Hero Workout.

The workout starts at 10am, so please be there before that to get a teammate and warmup.  After the workout we will be BBQing and hanging out.  There will also be a cryotherapy chamber there for some recovery for those who’d like to try it.

Please treat Nate’s gym as it were your own and have a good time getting out of the gym and enjoying the company of other CrossFitters.



Starting this Tuesday, May 31st, we will be switching the morning class from 7am to 5:45am for all you early risers! This was the most popular option in the email we sent out last week.  Please utilize this new time slot and get your fitness on first thing in the morning!