Wednesday (2018NOV14) – WOD

Strength: 5 Rounds (EOMOM): 5x DB Lateral Across-Body Step Ups (Low Carry) (EACH) 5-8x DB Z-Press 10x DB Overhead L-Sit Single-Leg Lifts (EACH) Go Heavy on the Set Ups, but use the same weight for the Z-Press & Leg Lifts.   WOD: 10AMRAP: 1x Wall Walk 1x Front...

Tuesday (2018NOV13) – WOD

How are those biceps feeling on Week #2 of the CFWT Lifters vs. CrossFit Challenge?   Gymnastics:  5 Rounds: 1x Weighted Pull Up 3x Strict Pull Ups 5x Kipping Pull Ups Rest as needed between rounds.   WOD: 7AMRAP: 50x Double Unders 50x Ball Slams (30/25#)...

Monday (2018NOV12) – “Zeus”

U.S. Army Specialist David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, North Carolina, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on November 14, 2011, in Baghdad,...

Saturday (2018NOV10) – TeamWOD

WOD: Team WOD For Time: 50 Power Clean & Jerks 155/105# (Switch Every 5 Reps) 75 Toes 2 Bar (Switch Every 5 Reps) 100 Wall Balls  20/14# (Switch Every 10 Reps)...

Friday (2018NOV09) – WOD

WOD: For Reps from a Rack: 3min AMRAP 400m Run ME Push Jerks 135/95# Rest 30 seconds 3min AMRAP 400m Run ME Strict Pullups Rest 30 seconds 3min AMRAP 400m Run ME Overhead Squats 135/95# Rest 30 seonds 3min AMRAP 400m Run ME Strict Pull ups Rest 30 seconds 3min AMRAP...