Granite Games Throwdown Event #1” 

Teams of 3:

10 Minutes:

5RM Front Squat from Floor

Score: Total Weight for All 3 Teammates.


Rest 10 Minutes Prior to Event #2.


Granite Games Throwdown Event #2

Teams of 3:


100x Double Unders

30x Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

30x Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50/35#)

30x Toe-to-Bar

100x Double Unders

40 CTB Pull Ups

40x DB STO (50/35#)

40x TTB

100x Double Unders

50x CTB Pull Ups

50x DB STO (50/35#)

50x TTB

100x Double Unders

60x CTB Pull Ups

60x DB STO (50/35#)

60x TTB