
10AMRAP (For Quality):

1x Kick Up + 10s Hold

1x Kick Up + 3x3 Negatives (3s)

2x2-3 Strict Handstand Push Ups

3x5-8 Kipping Handstand Push Ups

3x1-3 Strict Deficit Handstand Push Ups

3x3-5 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push Ups


Everyone should start at the beginning of the progression. Work to the point you cannot compete the progression & focus on that portion. Do not repeatedly drop yourself on your head! HSPU Progression with your feet on a box, if necessary. If you are advanced at Handstand Push Ups, try to go to a deep deficit at the end for a 1RM, but perform perfect movement.



CFWT (2017JUN28)

2 Rounds: 

50x Double Unders

35/25Cal. Airdyne

25x Ring Dips

15x Bench Press (155/105#)
