
Pull-Up Cycle

P1- 0 Pull-Ups

3 sets of 5 banded pull-ups. If you are able to do more than 5 reps, then scale up to 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

P2- 1 Pull-Up

5 sets of 2 negative pull ups. Pull up until chin passes over bar, then lower yourself down on a 10 count if possible.

P3- 5 Pull-Ups

Same as week 1 (try to beat score)

P4- 10/7 Pull-Ups

Same as week 1 (increase weight if possible)

P5- 15/10 Pull-Ups

5 sets of 10 negative pull ups. Do a strict pull up, then lower yourself down on a 10 count.




4min- Pull-Ups

4min- Push-Ups

4min- Sit-Ups

4min- Air Squats

*No Rest Between Tabatas



100 Bandy Pull Aparts

75 Band Assisted or SlingShot Push-Ups

50 Spanish Squats

25 Back Extensions