Friday (2021MAY07)- WOD

Focus: 12min Alt EMOM1- Top of Pullup Hold ME up to 30s2- SA KB Strict Press 5/5 WOD: For Time100cal BikeEMOM 10 Russian KB Swings 32/24kg SkillGHD Situp Practice3 Options Beginner: Learn Knee Ext./GHD to 45 degrees- 3 x 10-15 Intermediate: GHD to Parallel- 3 x 10-15...

Thursday (2021MAY06)- WOD

Focus: E90s x 91 Clean Extension2 Power Cleans1 hang Pull2 hang Cleans1 Push Jerk1 Clean & split jerk Perfect but heavy WOD: 6min AMRAPSquat Clean & Jerks 155/105#*Clusters Allowed Rest 3 Mins 3  Min AmrapPower Clean & Jerk 115/75AccessoryBanded Hamstring...

Wednesday (2021MAY05)- WOD

Focus: Pause Snatch4x4Squat Snatch with a 3 sec pause in the bottom T&Grest 2 mins between sets  WOD:  9 Rounds3 Power Snatch 135/95#10 T2BRecovery:Barbell smash Body Tempering- Hamstring- Calves-...

Tuesday (2021MAY04)- WOD

Focus: Handstand Walk work 30s Handstand Hold against Wall 8-12 Hand Pickups/Shoulder Taps Freestanding Handstand Hold or WalkRepeat x 3-4 times* Can Have Partner Spot WOD: For Time100cal Row75 Wall Balls 20/1450 Box Jumps 24/2025 C2B Pullups Finisher3 Min Amrap6 Cal...

Monday (2021MAY03)- WOD

Focus:  E3MOMx3Back Squatuse 90% of your 1 RMexample if your 1RM is 100lbs the number you use for the percentages below is 90lbsSet 1: 5 reps @ 75%Set 2: 3 reps @ 85%Set 3: 1+ reps @ 95% (max set) 10 Minutes to build to deadlift weight for workout WOD: