Monday (2021MAR01)- 1st WOD in the New Space!

We are officially in the new space! Thank you to everyone who helped us paint, move, build, and make this new space amazing already!  Please give us a week to beautify the place, and make it feel like home.New Address:1800 W Oxford Ave, Unit LSheridan CO,...

Saturday (2021FEB27)- WOD

Focus: Front squat 1 &1/2Down 1/2 up down Up5x3WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:DB ThrustersBurpees Men use 35 lb.Women use 20 lb.Finisher3 x ME sets of Heavy KB swingsbetween Sets 1 minute iron chair...

Friday (2021FEB26)- WOD

Focus: 3 Sets of: Bergeron Old SchoolHigh Hang Squat CleanHang Squat CleanSquat CleanPush PressHigh Hang Squat CleanHang Squat CleanSquat CleanPush JerkHigh Hang Squat CleanHang Squat CleanSquat CleanSplit Jerk**Once you start the complex the bar can NOT be dropped...

Morning Classes Cancelled Due to Snow!

Hey WatchTowerians! Due to a BUTT TON of snow and for your safety and the safety of our coaches, we are cancelling our 5:45am and 7:15am classes!We will reassess a little later this morning, but as of right now the 9:30am class is still a go. That may change so please...

Thursday (2021FEB25)- WOD

Focus: EMOM Complex1 Snatch PullI Hang High pull1 hang snatch1 OHS WOD: For Time25-20-15-10-5 Hang Power snatches 95/6550-40-30-20-10 Cal row10-8-6-4-2 HSPU Recovery: 750m light row or...