Tuesday (2021DEC14)- WOD

Focus:Power Clean + Push Jerk70% of Push Press 2 sets of 3 reps75% x 3 reps80% x 3 reps85% x 3 reps90% x 2 Reps x 3 SetsClean Pull90% of Max Clean x 3 reps x 2 Sets100% x 3 Reps105% x 3 reps x 3 Sets WOD:”DT”5 Rounds12 Deadlift 155/105lbs9 Hang Power...

Monday (2021DEC13)- WOD

Focus:Rowing Technique3 Rounds10 Strokes of EachArms OnlyArms & TrunkLegs Only- Straight ArmsQuarter SlidesFull Strokes WOD:6 x 500m Rowrest 90secs Between Efforts Recovery:5-10min Easy...

Saturday (2021DEC11)- WOD

Focus:Deadlift5 x 5building to heavy 5 WOD:5 Rounds2 Rope Climbs4 Deadlifts 365/240lbs8 Burpees Over Bar Finisher:For Time1000m...

Friday (2021DEC10)- WOD

Focus:Clean Complex x 51 Clean Pull2 Hang Power Clean2 Front Squats2 Push Press1 Hang Squat Clean2 Squat Cleans WOD:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Thrusters 75/55lbsFront Rack Lunges Skill10min Toes 2 Bar...

Thursday (2021DEC09)- WOD

Focus:10min EMOMOdd- 3-5 Strict PullupsEven- 5-7 Overhead Squats WOD:5 Rounds500m Row15 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs Accessory:3 x 10 Slow Eccentric Calf...