
Strict Pull-up Progression Week 2

Phase 1- 0 Strict Pullups

3 sets of 5 jumping negatives. Jump up to position with chin over the bar and SLOWLY lower to full extension. Step back on box and repeat.

Phase 2- 1 Strict Pullup

5 minute EMOM 2-5 strict pull ups- (Try to beat week 1 Score)

Phase 3- 5 Strict Pullups

20 kipping pull ups as fast as possible in least amount of sets as possible.

Phase 4- 10/7 Strict Pullups

5 minute EMOM of 20 seconds unbroken kipping pull ups

Phase 5- 15/10 Strict Pullups

Tabata kipping chest to bar pull ups. Count lowest score.



3 Rounds

15 DB Power Cleans 50/35lbs

21cal Row

9 Ring Dips

21cal Row




1min Bandy Rows

1min Plank