20 – 18 – 16 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2x

L-Sit Hold (Seconds)

KB Snatch (55/35#) (Total)

150M Row


KB SNATCHES: Do all the snatches on one side before switching to the other side.

L-SIT ADVANCED: Half Reps of L-Sit Pull Ups. You can only do this option if you can hold a L-Sit for 20+ seconds & do an unassisted strict pull up.

L-SIT MOD: AbMat Sit Ups.



3 Rounds (NFT):

20x Handstand Shoulder Taps

20s Superman Hold


WOD: “Pulsing Scull-Duggery”  from CFMK (2012DEC11)