-What comes before Part B? PART-AYYYYYY!!

Alright guys today is the CrossFit WatchTower Christmas Party.  We will have our normal 10am and 11am class, AS WELL as a pre-party WOD at 4pm.  Please bring whatever you feel fits your Christmas mood- Food, Drink, Games, ETC.  We will have bags (thanks Don!), Some meats, some booze, and possibly SpikeBall and Karaoke! Anyone and everyone is welcome. See you guys there!



“Rudolph’s Revenge”

20min AMRAP

In Teams of 3 rotating stations-

12 DB Snatch 60/40#

25cals AirDyne, Row, Or Ski Erg (Teams Choice)

50 Double Unders

  • Team Members cannot move on to the next movement until EVERYONE completes the station they are on.



Pause Back Squats

6x3 HAP



3x20 Unbroken



Bandy Push Downs and Bandy Curls

100reps Each