U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Justin Sisson, 23, assigned to 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died June 3, 2013, from wounds caused by a suicide bomber in Chamkani, Afghanistan.

Sisson is survived by his parents, Kevin and Phyllis; brother, Ryan; grandmothers, Judith Liming and Janis Beshoner; and numerous other friends and family members.

*Photo, Workout, and Justin’s story courtesy of CrossFit.com and Orgininal Posting can be found Here




20min AMRAP

1 Rope Climb 15ft

5 Burpees

200m Run



Baseball Rule- 3 Strikes and your’e out!

15min to Establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk


15min to Establish a 1RM Snatch


Pause Front Squat

5x4 HBP