Strength: MoFo

10x EMOM (Alternating)

10x Deadlift (60%W1RM)

10x Thruster (60%W1RM)

Working 1RM: 1RM x 90%

Final Set of Deadlifts and Thrusters are for ME Reps.



10 Rounds:

6x Power Cleans (135/95#)

6x Pistols



Heaving Snatch Balance + OHS (70%1RM Snatch)

1RM Front Squat (3sPause w/o Belt)

1RM Snatch (3sPause 2 Inches Off Ground)

1RM Clean & Jerk (3sPause 2 Inches off Ground)


  1. 50x Prowler Throws @ Body Weight
  2. 50x Ballistic Sled Pulls (HAP)