-Don’t Hide from this workout, it’s a good one!
MOFO 10’s
10min EMOM Alt-
Push Jerk @ 60% of Working 1RM
Front Squats @60% of Working 1RM
5 Rounds
400m Run
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 3 secs
Work up to 75% of Snatch
Front Squat- 2sec Pause w/o Belt
1RM, 80%- 2x3 no pause
Snatch EMOM
10x1 starting @70%-working up heavy no misses
Clean and Jerk EMOM
10x1 starting @70%-working up heavy no misses
- Chinese DB Rows- Switching Grip each set 2xMExHeavy
- Dips 3xSM
- SDKBHP 3x10
Walking Lunges
300m Unweighted
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