CrossFit Open 17.3

8:00-Minute Clock to Complete:

3 Rounds:

6x CTB Pull Ups

6x Squat Snatches (95/65#)

3 Rounds:

7x CTB Pull Ups

5x Squat Snatches (135/95#)

If Completed, Additional 4-Minute Clock to Complete (12 Minutes Total):

3 Rounds:

8x CTB Pull Ups

4x Squat Snatches (185/135#)

If Completed, Additional 4-Minute Clock to Complete (16 Minutes Total):

3 Rounds:

9x CTB Pull Ups

3x Squat Snatches (225/155#)

If Completed, Additional 4-Minute Clock to Complete (20 Minutes Total):

10x CTB Pull Ups

2x Squat Snatches (245/175#)

If Completed, Additional 4-Minute Clock to Complete (24 Minutes Total):

11x CTB Pull Ups

1x Squat Snatch (265/185#)




After 60%, Increase 3-5% per set with singles until you reach 1RM for day


Clean and Jerk

After 60%, Increase 3-5% per set with singles until you reach 1RM for day


Pause Back Squats 3 sec

3 x 3



GHD Situps

10Min EMOM

5-10 reps

CrossFit Englewood