WOD: Team of 4 (MMFF)

“Atlas Blarney Stones Competitions”

M/M: 4 Rounds Each (Alternating):

T#1: 3x Rope Climbs

T#2: 25x Sandbag Squats (75/50#)

F/F: 2 Rounds Each (Alternating):

T#1: 200M Stone Carry (95/70#)

T#2: Row (Max Calories)

After the M/M & F/F Teams complete the couplet, teammates switch couplets.

Score = Total Time – Calories Rowed




90-95% x 1 x 2


Clean & Jerk

90-95% x 1 x 2


Front Squat w/ Duffalo

90 x 2 x 3

CrossFit Colorado Denver