Late Tuesday night, Becky had a bad headache, vomited, and immediately went to the hospital by ambulance in Naples, FL where she was on a girls trip with her daughter. Doctors found an aneurysm bled into her brain and had to conduct surgery for several hours. The surgery was successful in several ways so we are hoping for God’s best, and praying for full recovery. ⁣

Originally, as part of the recovery process from surgery, Becky was to be sedated until Friday. But all that changed Thursday morning! We won’t know the full extent of her condition until the doctors are able to run more tests.⁣ Becky’s eyes are open again and the breathing tube has just been pulled. She’s breathing fine on her own!!! ⁣⁣We’ll be watching for smaller responses and awareness next. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!⁣⁣ People from around the world have been praying⁣, and the unity we’re experiencing is unbelievable. God has literally raised up an army of warriors. 

We will continue to post updates on Facebook and Instagram. For anyone looking to express appreciation and support for Becky, please consider making a donation to FAITH RXD,



“Champion” for Beck Conzelman

2 Rounds:

25x HSPU

20x Deadlift (135/95#)

15x Overhead Squats (135/95#)

10x Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)

800M Run


Time Cap: 30 Minutes.


WOD from IXF CrossFit

