
Squat Snatch

  • @80% (1x3)
  • @85% (1x2)
  • @90% (1x1)
  • @95% (1x1)
  • @100% (1x1)



“EMOM ’til You Dead”

EMOM (until you can no longer complete the reps within the minute):

5x Deadlifts (275/185#) + Ascending Lateral Burpees Over the Bar


0:00: 5x Deadlifts (275/185#) + 1x Lateral Burpee Over the Bar 

1:00: 5x Deadlifts (275/185#) + 2x Lateral Burpees Over the Bar

2:00: 5x Deadlifts (275/185#) + 3x Lateral Burpees Over the Bar…Etc.