No 7:00AM Class Today (2020MAR10). All other classes run as usual. 



Box Squats @50% (15x2)

Rotate Through with 2-3 Teammates. 

If you don’t have a Teammate, go on the 30-45s Interval. 


Strength Accessory:

“Kettlebell Hell”

5 Rounds:

1AMRAP: Russian KB Swings (70/55# or Heavy)

1AMRAP: Plank



1AMRAP: Ski Erg (Calories)

Rest 1 Minute. 

1AMRAP: Bike (Calories)

Rest 1 Minute.

1AMRAP: Row (Calories)

Rest 1 Minute.

1AMRAP: DB Carry (70/50#)

Rest 1 Minute. 

1AMRAP: Burpees