Friday (2021FEB12)- WOD

Focus: Clean & Jerk12 EMOM x12Empty Bar For AllMin 1: 5 Hi Hang CleansMin 2: 5 Hang CleanMin 3: 5 Low Hang CleansMin 4:  5 Push Jerk WOD:30min EMOM1 Clean & JerkStart @ 50% 1RMmake increase by 10miss decrease by 15 Finisher4x200m run rest...

Thursday (2021FEB11)- WOD

Focus: PrepEMOM x10Min 1: 15 UB Wallball Shots Min 2: 10 Burpees WOD: 19.115 Minute AMRAP:19 Wallball Shots19 Cal Row RecoveryStretch2 min L/R Pigeon2 Min L/R Twisted Cross2 min Puppy1 Min...

Wednesday (2021FEB10)- WOD

Focus: Oly – SnatchComplex (increase loading) EMOMx82 Snatch Grip Deadlift2 Hang Power Snatch2 OHS2 Hang Snatch2 Snatch WOD: 3 Rounds20 Hang Power Snatch 115/7520 Push-Ups Accessory2x25 Banded lat pull downs25/25 Banded tricep kick backs20 Bird dogs20 Fire...

Tuesday (2021FEB09)- WOD

Focus: Skill – Pistol5 sets of 10 repsSet 1: Box step ups Set 2: Box Weight step ups Set 3: Box Pistols Set 4: counter weighted PistolsSet 5: Pistols or previous progression WOD: 20-18-16…2Alt Pistols10-9-8-7…1Lat Burpee Box Jump Over 20″20 UB...

Monday (2021FEB08)- WOD

Focus: StrengthBack Squat5x5 (% of WOD Weight) 1: 50%2: 60%3: 70%4: 85%5: 100%WOD: 25-15-10Back Squat 225/155Pull up Recover1000m light...