Monday (2021JUN07)- WOD

Focus:  Focus:Shoulder pressuse 90% of your 1 RMexample if your 1RM is 100lbs the number you use for the percentages below is 90lbsSet 1: 1 reps @ 75%Set 2: 1 reps @ 85%Set 3: 1+ reps @ 95% (max set) WOD:5 Rounds10 S2OH 115/75#15 T2B Recovery:AccessoryHip Extension x...

Saturday (2021JUN05)- WOD

Focus:Plank “Contest”3 x ME Plank*IF Over 2mins ADD Weight WOD:The “Other Total”3 Attempts at a max forBench PressCleanOverhead Squat Finisher:200 of EachBandy Pull ApartsBandy Hammy Curls (100/leg)Tricep ExtensionsLeg Extensions...

Friday (2021JUN04)- WOD

Focus:  10min Alt EMOM1- 3 Kneeling Muscle Ups2. With Empty Bar x 52.1: Front Squats2.2: Push Press2.3: Front Squats2.4: Push Press2.5: Thrusters WOD: 10min AMRAP60 Lateral Hops Over Bar30 Thrusters 95/65#10 Muscle Ups Skill:5x MEHandstand Walk or Nose and...

Wednesday (2021JUN02)- WOD

Focus:  Barbell Row5 x 5 On The MinuteHeavy But Perfect WOD: 2 Rounds400m Run35 Push Ups30 Deadlift 155/105#25 Box Jumps20 KB Swings 32/24kg15 Pull Ups10 Push Jerks 155/105# Recovery:2mins Pigeon2min Puppy Pose2min Frog PoseBar Hang til...