Saturday (2021AUG14)- WOD

Focus: Snatch5 sets1 Snatch Extension1 Power Snatch1 Hang Power Snatch2 Snatch1 Snatch Balance 2 OHSno drop, increase weight by feel  WOD: 5 Rounds1 Min AMRAP Burpee Box Over 24/201 Min Rest directly into “Randy”For Time75 Snatches @ 75/55 SkillBanded Low...

Friday (2021AUG13)- WOD

Focus: Back Squat3x3 @ 75%2 Building sets (Warm Up) 3 working sets at 75% WOD: EMOM 16Min 1: 4 Back Squats (225/155)Min 2: 4 Deficit HSPU (6/4″)Min 3: 200m runMin 4: Rest Finisher200m KB farmer Carry 200m Kb FR Lunge...

Thursday (2021AUG12)- WOD

Focus: explosive powerBroad Jumps:Objectives: To develop hips and leg power and stabilityDirections: 3 sets Jump for a total of 40 ft Begin standing in an athletic stance feet shoulder width apart.Perform a standing broad jump trying to cover as much distance as...

Wednesday (2021AUG11)- WOD

Focus: 4x4Clean & Jerk Build past workout weight – cycle bar T&G  WOD:  15 EMOM 4 Squat Cleans 135/95lbs4 Jerk 135/95lbs4 Strict T2B *If Fail drop weightFinisher3 mins for reps1 Minute Burpees1 min Lateral box jump overs1 min Russian...

Tuesday (2021AUG10)- WOD

Focus:  skill development8 min EMOMmin 1: 30 jump double tap hipsMin 2: 5 empty bar thrustersMin 3: 30 jump rope in one hand rythem jumps swinging ropeMin 4: 5 thrusters 65/45Min 5: 30 Single+Singel+ DoubleMin 6: 5 thrusters 75/55Min 7: 30 DU or 45s practiceMin 8: 5...