Wednesday (2020JUL08)- WOD

Warm-up: 10-10-10-10 Banded Walks (F,B,L,R)20 – 180 turn banded jump squats30 banded glute bridge40 lunges alt50 Crunchers (opposite elbow to knee) Focus:Bulgarian Split squats3x20 (10/10)Superset1 min Hollow hold WOD:  E2MOM – 20 Min10 Thrusters 95/65200m...

Tuesday (2020JUL07)- WOD

Warm-up3 RdsRow 200 Meters15-20 Air squat Focus: 22 minutes TotalRow 7min at 75% of 500m Split2min rest2x3min at 85% (2min rest b/t Set)2min rest2x1min at 100% /500m (1min rest b/t reps) WOD: 6 Min Amrap30 DU10 T2B5 Burpee Box...

Monday (2020JUL06)- WOD

Warm-Up4 min amrap6 Med Ball Cleans12 Med ball sit ups12 Sh. taps (feet on medball) 6 Medball facing hop overs Focus:EMOMx10DeadliftHigh Hang Mid HangHang1 inch below the kneeClean building to heavier than weight for workout WOD: CrossFit Indestri 10 Year...

Saturday (2020JUL04)- Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!! WOD:On 35min Clock, complete as many of the Hero Workouts and Hero Workout Fragments below in Teams of 3-4 People.  Only 2 people working at a time, and you’re allowed to work on only two workouts at a time. You get 1 Barbell per team, Ropes...

Friday (2020JUL03)- WOD

Warm-up:3xJefferson Stretch SUPER SLOW x 2Banded Bent Over Rows x 10High Knees x 30s Focus: 10min EMOM Alt- SL Hip Bridges x 5/leg 2s Pause at Top- 20 Banded Good Mornings WOD:  5 Rounds50 Double Unders10 DB Box Step Overs 50/35# 10 DB Deadlift 50/35# 10 DB Hang...