Friday (2019JUN07) – “Single-Arm DB DT”

When the workout looks fun, but complaining about the workout is life! Weightlifting:Hang Muscle Clean3 x 3 WOD:”Single-Arm DB DT”3 Rounds9 DB Deadlifts R 50/35#9 DB Deadlift L 50/356 DB Hang Clean R 50/35#6 DB Hang Clean L 50/35#3 DB Push Jerk R 50/35#3...

Wednesday (2019JUN05) – WOD

Strength:Tempo Pull-Ups (4242)5 x 5*Use bands if needed OR Foot Assisted variations. WOD:2 Rounds30cal Air Dyne20 Wall Balls 30/20#10 Push Jerks...