Thursday (2021OCT07)- WOD

Focus:P1- 0 Pullups3 sets of 5 banded pull-ups. If you are able to do more than 5 reps, then scale up to 3 sets of 8-10 reps.P2- 1 PullupsTabata hollow rocks/hollow hold. Then accumulate 30 challenging ring rows. Have your body as parallel to the ground as...

Wednesday (2021OCT06)- WOD

Focus:10min EMOM- Alt1- ME Handstand Walk2- ME Bench Press @ Body Weight/75% Body Weight WOD;”Karen Meet Annie”For Time25 Wall Balls 20/14lbs50 Double Unders50 Situps25 Wall Balls 20/14lbs40 Double Unders40 Situps25 Wall Balls 20/14lbs30 Double Unders30...

Tuesday (2021OCT05)- WOD

Focus:Banded Deadlifts12min EMOM2 Banded Deadlifts @60-70% 1RM WOD:10 Rounds10 Deadlift 165/110lbs100m Run Finisher:2x20cal RowRest 1:120cal BikeRest 1:120cal SkiRest...

Monday (2021OCT04)- WOD

Focus:Squat Snatch Cycle (5 Weeks)Week 1Snatch Pulls3 x 3 @ 80% Hi-Hang Snatch3 x 3 @ 80% WOD:4 Rounds on the 3min Interval20cal Bike5 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch 115/75lbsME OH Squats 115/75lbs *Score is Reps Recovery:800m Walkor 400m Sled...

Saturday (2021OCT02)- WOD

Focus:10min to Build to Workout Weights for-Deadlifts-Power SnatchDo so in sets of 3 Reps for 5 sets WOD:0-15mins1 mile Run15 Deadlifts 275/185lbs15-25mins800m Run30 Ring Dips25-30mins400m Run15 Power Snatch 165/110lbs Skills10min HS Walk...