Friday (2017JAN20)

***Classes Canceled 21-22 January for Lord of the Lifts (Super Total Meet)*** WOD: 75x Burpees EMOM: 3x Clean & Jerk (75%1RM) Start with Burpees 12-Minute Time Cap.   Core Stability: 50x Deck Squats   Weightlifting: Rest & Visualize. Gear Check (tall...

Thursday (2017JAN19)

Gymnastics: 3 Rounds: (Block 2 Review) 3x Each (Alternating) Oblique Twists (on Wall) 30FT. Stiff Bear 30FT. Frog 3x Each (Alternating) Oblique Trunk Rotations (on Floor) 30s Hollow Hold 30s Arch Position 30s Straight-Legged Calf Stretch 30s (Each) Bent-Legged Calf...

Wednesday (2017JAN18)

Strength: WOD: 2 Rounds: 800M Run 5x Sandbag Cleans (150/100#) 30x Pull Ups 5x Sandbag Cleans (150/100#) 60x Air Squats 5x Sandbag Cleans (150/100#)   Weightlifting: High Hang Snatch@60% High Hang Clean & Jerk@60% Back Squat w/Commands to Opener Epsom Salt...

Tuesday (2017JAN17)

–You may need Ella’s assistance after all the squats & thrusters this week.    Gymnastics: Tabata (8 Rounds EACH): Hollow Position Arch Position   WOD: 5 Rounds: 75x Double Unders 50FT Overhead Carry (135/95#) 10x Thrusters (135/95#)  ...

Monday (2017JAN16)

Strength: ARPE3 (Week 2) 6@50% 3@75% ME@100% ME@100% (Adjusted)   WOD:  “Christine” 3 Rounds: 500M Row 12x Deadlift (BW) 21x Box Jumps (20″) This is the pre-test for the Nutrition Challenge. If you are participating, please do this workout...