by Kevin Ogar | Oct 21, 2019 | WOD
Weightlifting: Power Clean + Squat Clean @75% 1x(1+2) Power Clean + Squat Clean @80% 1x(1+2) Power Clean + Squat Clean @85% 1x(1+1) WOD: 15x EMOM: 1x Squat Clean @80%1RM 2x 10M Shuttle Sprints 3x Lateral Burpees Over Bar This is not alternating...
by Kevin Ogar | Oct 20, 2019 | WOD
Gymnastics: 10x EMOM (Alternating): 5x Strict Pull Ups 5x Strict Ring Dips ADVANCED: Weighted Pull Ups & Weighted Ring Dips. If you add weight, all sets should be unbroken. WOD: 5 Rounds: 30sAMRAP: DB Deadlift (2x50/35#) Rest 30 seconds 30sAMRAP:...
by Kevin Ogar | Oct 18, 2019 | WOD
WOD: Teams of 2: 10 Rounds: 100M Run 10x Pull Ups 10x KB Swings (55/35#) Teammates Alternate Movements. Example: T#1: 100M Run, T#2: 10x Pull Ups, T#1: 10x KB Swings, T#2 100M Run, T#1: 10x Pull Ups, T#2: 10x KB Swings,...
by Kevin Ogar | Oct 17, 2019 | WOD
Yoga @ 10:45AM Today! WOD: “CrossFit Open 20.2” 20AMRAP: 4x DB Thrusters (50/35#) (SC: 35/20#) 6x Toe-to-Bar (SC: Hanging Knee Raises) 24x Double Unders (SC: Single Unders) Recovery: ...
by Kevin Ogar | Oct 16, 2019 | WOD
Weightlifting: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @75% 1x(1+2) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @80% 1x(1+2) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @85% 1x(1+1) WOD: 12AMRAP: 100M Sandbag Carry (80/60#) 10x Sandbag-Over-Shoulder (80/60#) 6x Bar Roll...
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