Tuesday (2020JUL21)- WOD

Focus: 5 x E2MO2MClean & Jerk 1 Clean Pull1 Power Clean1″ Below Knee2 Cleans2 Jerks push/split1 Clean & jerk WOD: 12 min Cap”Double Grace”60 Clean & Jerk 135/95# Scaling Weight Options:115/75#95/65#75/55#65/45# Recovery:Body...

Monday (2020JUL20)- WOD

MobilityBoot StrapsSeated StraddleAnkle DistractionLAX ball on box in the glute Focus: Banded DB RDL3x15Superset with Banded Db Sissy Squats3x25 Rest 1-2 min btwn sets WOD: 8 min9 Min Amrap9 Db  Deadlift 50/35#9 DB Front Squat 50/35#200m...

Saturday (2020JUL18)- Strongman WOD & Ironwill Ranch BBQ

Come HANG OUT with us after the Strongman Workout today, have some grilled meats, and support our friends over at Ironwill Ranch!  We will get started after the class so probably around 11 and sell hotdogs and hamburgers to help out a great family that does a lot for...

Friday (2020JUL17)- WOD

Focus:Snatch OHS complexE90s x 61 Snatch Pull1 Power snatch1 Snatch balance3 OHS Build heavier then workout weight WOD:  12 min12 min Amrap500 Meter Row15 Overhead Squats 95/65Accessory100 Bandy pull aparts100 Bandy...

Thursday (2020JUL16)- WOD

Focus: 10 mins3 sets of 10 Alternating Db Press(hold opposite arm in support overhead)  Superset10 alt Db see saw rows rest 60s btwn sets WOD: 18 minsEMOM 18Min 1: 4 Strict Pull upsMin 2: 16 Ubroken Wall Balls (as soon as you break that becomes your next round...