Wednesday (2017SEP13) – WOD

Agility/Strength:Plyo Course + Yoke/Barbell Carry + Plyo Course WOD:5 Rounds:2AMRAP: Row (Max Distance)1 Minute Rest1AMRAP: Power Cleans (Max Reps) @ 75%1 Minute Rest ***CFWT Saturday Class is Canceled (2017SEP16). Method CrossFit has invited CFWT members to attend...

Tuesday (2017SEP12) – WOD

-Partner WOD Time!! MEL:1RM Power Clean WOD:With Partner For Time:100 Power Snatches 105/70#Max Effort Ski Erg (Calories)*Switch whenever you wish, but don’t be a jerk and leave your teammate on the Ski Erg for too long. Your time stops when 100 Snatches are...

Monday (2017SEP11) – “ 010911”

-Today’s workout is the WOD programmed on on September 11th, 2001. Take a second today before the workout to remember that day and what it meant for our Nation and those who died that day. DEU:DB Rows3 reps per side x 12 sets- 45secs rest between...

Saturday (2017SEP09) – WOD

-Mwahahahahahahahahaha Weightlifting:’Hamstring Hell”Dimmel Deadlifts4 x 25*90sec Rest between Sets WOD:In Teams of 2-30min AMRAP40 Pullups200m Run20 Burpees200m Run40 Thrusters*Thruster Weight Increases each Round as Follows- 75/55# – 95/65# –...