Wednesday (2020DEC16)- WOD

Focus: EMOM x10Odd: 5 Strict Pull-upsEven: 16 ALT DB Piston Press (OH)  WOD:  4 rounds10 DB Push Press (50/35# x2)35 DB Reverse Lunges Front Rack20/15cal Ski or Row or Bike Finisher:Tabata Hollow Body...

Tuesday (2020DEC15)- WOD

Focus: Tempo Deadlifts 5 x 3 Tempo x5-1-1 WOD: WheelWOD Week 21.5 & 21.6On a 15min clock5mins to complete25 Thrusters 95/65#20 Pullups25 Thrustersthen10min AMRAP20 Wallball Shots 20/14#4 Deadlift 225/155#20 Alt Pistols Recovery:Body Tempering or Myofascial...

Monday (2020DEC14)- WOD

Focus: Clean and Jerk ComplexE 90 sec x 61 Clean pull1 Hang Power Clean1 Front Squat1 Clean1 Hang Clean1 Split Jerk1 push jerk Build to workout weight WOD: 3 rounds10 Clean and Jerk 185/135#20 Bar-Facing Burpees AccessoryHip Extension x 25Back Extensions x 20Hip &...

Friday (2020DEC11)- WOD

Focus:10min Alt EMOMOdd: 1 Power clean pull2 Hang power clean3 power cleansEven:1 Power clean1 Jerk Drive2 Push Jerk2 Split jerk WOD:4x2 min Amrap rest 1 min4 Bar Facing burpees6 Power Clean & Jerk 115/754 Def .HSPU...

Thursday (2020DEC10)- WOD

Focus: Tempo Deadlifts 5 x 3 Tempo x5-1-1WOD: WheelWOD Open Qualifier 21.4For time: 20 min Cap3k RowScores for 1k and full 3kAccessoryBandy Kang Squats x...